
This is a fun blog.

It is for me to keep in touch with my students and all others who create art and/or enjoy art....any medium.

It is for all of us to include our thoughts, ideas, happenings, and show our artwork. Just e-mail me those ideas and photos and I will post them to this blog. Please do !!! It will make it a group blog.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Blog Views: This week, so far, the countries looking at Art Tidbits are from: USA, Romania, Germany & Austria.  International viewers...please write your comments or email your artwork....we would all enjoy hearing from you.

Personal Note: I am back taking classes for myself. Distance Education and online classes are a wonderful thing.  I have been a teacher now much longer than I have been a going back to having lessons, assignments and tests is new for me after all these years. I'm finding it exciting and a little daunting. School takes a lot of there is less time for 
creating art.  :( 

This month, I'm without students or classes to teach...being the holiday vacation between terms. I do feel the loss of time spent, the inspiration, the comradeship, the friendliness. There's also the different frame of mind...not gathering supplies or samples for class...and the regrouping on my time management. Which has brought me to write about "Balance".

Balance: Balance is my hardest word to deal with in life. In a perfect world, one would be able to have enough time to do everything with as much time needed for each project or task. Sign me up!!! When working alone in one's own studio, one must balance their time and usually that balance goes by the way of "things that need to be done" route....not the "my studio time comes first" route. If left up to my own devices, I would be in my studio 24/7....but when I return back to the main part of my home and see the dirty dishes, needed vacuuming and worse of's 9pm and I forgot the cats are still outside....I know "Balance" isn't in-balance. Art making can be a lonely world...we artist tend to work alone in our creating spaces and therefore, we don't get outside feed back, we fight for time to do our art and inspiration can become stalled. The less we create, the harder it is to get back into it.

My "Balance" solution is....I divide my day by hours. Sure, some days the balance goes heavy for one thing over some days or weeks maybe 90% goes to one task (like house cleaning because company will be here soon) but tomorrow, maybe more 60% house chores/whatever and 40% will be studio time. Where I get in trouble is when I let the needed tasks get the majority of my time and studio time gets less and less or no time at all.

So try to tame the Balance Devil...try graphing out your day on paper....give each task/project it's own time slot. Stick with it. You'll feel better that you gave at least a little to a lot.

How do you Balance Your Time Management?  Write or comment letting me know your Balance Solution....I'm interested.

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