
This is a fun blog.

It is for me to keep in touch with my students and all others who create art and/or enjoy art....any medium.

It is for all of us to include our thoughts, ideas, happenings, and show our artwork. Just e-mail me those ideas and photos and I will post them to this blog. Please do !!! It will make it a group blog.

Enter your e-mail address in the "Follow by Email" to the right, if you would like to get email notification each time something has been posted. If you don't wish to do sure to check back I hope to post very often. You can also add the blog address to your favorites.

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(If this is your first time visiting this blog.... scroll down to (or look at the "Blog Archive" section) for the Tuesday, Aug 28th posting which was the first posting with info. These blogs add the newest posting on top).


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blog Views: US, Russia and Ukraine....#1654 views.

Palette Knife Painting Workshop:
I just taught a Palette Knife Painting Workshop with some very talented artist/students....producing great paintings....some are below.  It was a fun day. Thanks.






Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog Views: US, Thailand, Ukraine, Canada, Chile, Egypt & India...1611.

School is about to it's end for this term...with Finals Week being next next.  My students are getting their portfolios assembled and with hope, they are on track with their final drawing. Then I'll have a few weeks off. I'm hoping to get a few paintings tucked in, taxes finished up, start on winter clean up (even though we still have snow on the ground) and all the fun stuff no one wants to do, but has all just keeps one from  the studio. If this is true for you...hang in there  and you and I both will just set aside some time for us.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blog Views: US, Russia, United Kingdom, Spain & Malaysia.

Quiz: Question: When does copyright of a painting you've created start?
Answer: When it's in a tangible form.

I have a favorite watercolor painter and have introduced him to my students.  His name is  
Joseph Zbukvic....he lives in Australia and here are a few of his interesting quotes. Look him up online to see his beautiful paintings. 

"Never say die, until it's dry".
"indicate, don't state".
"The "bead": The enzyme of watercolour pushes the color down the page as a bead of pigment. Join or blend anything while it is wet. You can avoid mud by always having one colour that dominates & plenty of water". Joseph Zbukvic.